Dana Cadena


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Your First Home

Looking to purchase your first home? Click here to request a complimentary copy of Your First Home: The Proven Path to Home Ownership.

"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot."  ~Michael Altshuler



Wouldn't  it  be  great  to  get  the  best  value  from  the  time  you  spend  in  the  office  ?

Maximizing your time would go a very long way to help you achieve your business goals.  If you're like most business professionals, however, you spend much of your time working on minor tasks.  These chores end up stealing your days, weeks and eventually years.  This means you never get around to tackling the important tasks, the ones that could help you move ahead.  Business coach Tony Robbins had it right when he said,
"Most people fail in life because they major in minor things." !


"When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened."

John M. Richardson, Jr.


another blog by DANA

Selling in an Interesting Economy...

Having been through economic ups and downs in my career, even since the summer of 1999, I've had the opportunity to experience first hand the insidious nature of paying too close attention to the news/media in general.

When we are bombarded by negative reports we tend to absorb those reports into our selling, and lead generating activities. The negative news we read becomes the negative outcome we expect -- and the negative outcome we experience. We view our failures as the new norm.

For sales professionals, this onslaught of bad economic news can have devastating psychological consequences. It erodes our confidence, heightens our anxiety, and may even convince us that our efforts are hopeless.

This creeping negativism worms its way into all of our sales business. Our prospecting decreases; 'what's the use anyway?' Our presentations and proposals become defensive, mere pricing becomes our centerpiece, and we no longer ask for the business.

Yet, there are companies and salespeople who thrive in weak economies, viewing a weak economy as an opportunity to grow and often launch their business while their competitors are hunkering down with a victim mentality, hoping merely to survive.

I know this is an opportunity market we are all in RIGHT NOW. Only the SKILLED will THRIVE !

So, how can you turn a weak economy to your advantage? ... I have a bunch of strategies and tactics that are tried and true !  Now, I'd love to hear what others in all different industries are doing to exceed their goals !

The microwave version of how I feel on this subject is this: Expand and grow your sales business by doing the opposite of your competition and by taking advantage of your competitor's complacency, fear, and mistakes. Turn the economy in your favor. Take your unfair share of your market and enjoy your unfair share regardless of your specific genre of business.

majority of content, noted above, including ideas and catch-phrases are fully copywritten by Dana B Sanfiorenzo-Cadena 9/2008.